ERR Labor Day 5K

Labor Day Rogue Race
5K Running Event
September 7, 2020
at 9:00AM
Please note our new Location
1623 Brewing Co.
5975 Exchange Dr.
Sykesville Md 21784
5K 9:00 a.m. (chip timed) It will be a socially distanced staggered start.
ERR Member Prices: 5K - $30
Non-ERR Member Prices: 5K - $35 Virtual Option $30
Price includes a free T-shirt, Face Mask, and 1623 Limited edition drinking glass!
*NOTE* T-shirt offer is only good through 8/21/2020
For those participants 21 years and older, one free beer on 9/7/20 compliments of 1623 Brewing Co.
Bring your ID
Masks required at 1623 Brewing Co.
There will be a food truck onsite for food purchase at 1623
Mail in Registration form or Register on
You can also register at Tri Sport Junction
Packet pick-up: Saturday 9/5 from 1-5pm and Sunday 9/6 from 11-3 pm at Tri Sport Junction
7568 B Main Street Sykesville
NO Race Day Registration
The Labor Day Race is the Eldersburg Rogue Runners primary fundraiser. Please enjoy this event and help us continue to support our area runners, walkers and bike riders.
Following guidelines this will be a non-water stop event. Please carry your own water.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Sykesville Happython which helps bring joy to children in our community through the holiday season
ERR provides opportunities for group runs, training, scholarships, community service opportunities, community event support, and Youth Track and Cross Country Programs.
PLEASE observe the below COVID-19 Precautions!
--Do not participate if you are feeling sick or ill, and or have a fever, or if you have been in contact with someone unrecovered from Covid-19
--Persons from high Risk groups for Covid-19 should consult their physician before participating
--Do not engage in traditional forms of physical contact ( hand shake, high fives, hugs, partner ---stretching, etc.)Do not engage in close group picture/selfies. Maintain social distance guidelines
--Do not spit or “nose Rocket” in public, Bring along tissues or hanky
--Do not share personal items such as hydration, energy gels, towels, etc
--Participants Face mask coverings are required anytime social distancing cannot be maintained
--Participants should carry personal Hydration packs and use hydration stations to refill only
--For those participating in group runs, should you test positive for Covid-19, and have attended group runs in the past 14 days, please notify your club leader. Do not participate in any group gathering until you are recovered from Covid-19 and have received approval from your Dr.