11th Annual Run of the Century

11th Annual Run of the Century
Saturday November 17, 2018 8:45 AM 5K start / 9:30 AM Fun Run/Walk
Road Race to benefit Century High School Athletics and Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance
Race Details: Registration opens @ 8:00am. The 5k Run/Walk will start @ 8:45am and the Fun Run approximately 9:30.
Location: Century High School, 355 Ronsdale Road, Eldersburg, MD 21784
Registration: Pre-register!! Race shirt is only for 5K and only guaranteed if registration is post marked by November 1, 2018. Refreshments and Door Prizes will be provided for 5K participants. Awards given for age groups and overall winners. For more information or questions contact runofthecentury@gmail.com. We encourage you to register online at www.active.com. The registration form may also be download at www.errun.org.