Liberty Reservoir Series--See calendar below Thru 09/30/2015- Sundays and Wednesdays

Come join us for the Liberty Reservoir trail series. Run, Bike, or Hike the trails around the Liberty Reservoir. Maps, directions, trail notes, an expedition passport, and guided trail runs will be provided. The series will run from May 10th through September 30th. To recieve the Expedition premium you must be a registered participant. Runs, rides, or hikes do not have to be done with the guided groups but must not be done alone ( For safety ). Group runs will be on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Down load and mail in your registration today. Or bring it with you when you come to your first group run.
The Liberty Reservoir Expedition Survivor Series paticipant understands that neither Freedom Area Recreation council nor Eldersbug Rogue runners provide any registrant medical or hospitalization insurance whatsoever, and hereby waives any and all claims against the Freedom Area Recreation Council, the Carroll County Department of Recreation and Parks, Eldersburg Rogue Runners, or any other person affiliated with these entities and sponsors for injuries sustained while watching or participating in this event or traveling to and from event. Participant takes full responsibliltiy and assumtion of risk. Participant understands that any photos taken at this event will be used for publicity purposes.