ERR Labor Day 5K and 10K

The Labor Day Race is the Eldersburg Rogue Runners primary fundraiser. Please enjoy this event and help us continue to support our area runners, walkers and bike riders.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Rising Above Addiction
ERR provides opportunities for group runs, training, scholarships, community service opportunities, community event support, and Youth Track and Cross Country Programs.
Labor Day Rogue Race
10K, 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
September 2, 2019
Liberty High School
10K/5K 8:30 a.m. (timed)
Fun Run 9:15 a.m. (untimed)
ERR Member Prices: 5K - $15 or $30 with Hat (before August 15)
10K - $20 or $35 with Hat (before August 15)
Non-ERR Member Prices: 5K - $20 ir $35 with Hat
10K - $25 or $40 with Hat
August 15 - all prices reflect non-member prices
1 Mile Fun Run $15 ( No Premium)
Adult free with paying child under 10 years of age
Mail in Registration form or Register on (you can also register at Trisport Junction on Main Street Sykesville)
Packet pick-up: Thursday 8/29 from 3-7pm and Sunday 9/1 from 11-2 pm at
Tri Sport Junction
7568 B Main Street Sykesville
*Race Day Registration is only from 7am - 8am*
1st place male/female: $100, 2nd place male/female: $50, 3rd place male/female: $25
First Place over 21 age groups get an ERR mug, 2nd and 3rd place get medals. 10 year age groups. 10 and under groups: 11-16, 17-20.