2017 Cavalier Classic 5K Trail Run & 1 Mile Walk

7th Annual Cavalier Classic
5K Trail Run & 1 Mile Walk - 9:00am - Saturday, October 21, 2017
Stadium at South Carroll HS
1300 W. Old Liberty Rd
Sykesville, MD 21784
§ Pre-register!! Guaranteed t-shirt to registrations received by October 7th. Late or same-day registration, t-shirt not guaranteed.
§ Cost: $25 ($23 for ERR Members) for pre-registration. Race-Day registration cost: $35
§ Online Registration available at www.Active.com, search for Cavalier Classic
§ Pre-race packet pick-up, Friday, Oct 20th, 3-7pm at Tri Sport Junction at 7568 B Main St., Sykesville
§ Race-Day registration and packet pickup begins at 7:30am at SCHS Stadium
Proceeds benefit the SCHS Athletic Boosters & the Jessica E. Belknap Memorial Scholarship fund.
The SCHS Athletic Boosters is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that promotes and supports all athletic programs at SCHS. The Jessica E. Belknap Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student in the Veterinary Science program at SCHS each year.
Contact Information: If you have questions, please email the Boosters at: cavclassic@schsathleticboosters.org