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2013 Run of the Century

Overall Winners
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Stick, Sherry            W35 Unattached             18:36.1
  1 Mead, Chris              M27 Unattached             17:45.0

Women 12 & Under Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Everton, Alison          W12 Unattached             26:46.8
  2 Zabik, Hannah            W10 Unattached             27:43.4
  3 Hackett, Lauren           W9 Unattached             29:58.3
  4 Tedesco, Olivia          W10 Arrows                 29:59.9
  5 Crisafulli, Isabella     W11 Unattached             30:05.9
  6 Grosh, Maggie             W8 Unattached             30:06.2
  7 Jones, Hannah            W11 Arrows                 32:06.3
  8 Leimkuhler, Erika        W10 Arrows                 32:06.8
  9 Leimkuhler, Allison       W8 Unattached             35:11.6
 10 Wolfsheimer, Lindsey     W11 Unattached             37:26.5
 11 Willson, Liliana          W7 Arrows                 42:47.5
 12 Hahn, Kylie               W7 Unattached             46:04.3
 13 Carfine, Marley           W7 Unattached             46:04.8

Men 12 & Under Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Musgrove, Matthew        M12 Unattached             22:42.1
  2 Havins, Jacob            M12 Arrows                 23:37.2
  3 Kraus, Sam               M12 Unattached             23:41.4
  4 Radinsky, Adam           M12 Arrows                 23:48.0
  5 Sien, Ryan                M8 Unattached             24:45.9
  6 Zabik, Jonah             M11 Unattached             25:28.8
  7 Schamber, Josh           M11 Arrows                 26:21.3
  8 Fleming, Ryan             M8 Unattached             26:50.7
  9 Sien, Andrew             M12 Unattached             27:25.1
 10 Fleming, Andrew          M11 Unattached             27:34.4
 11 Grosh, Owen              M10 Unattached             27:41.9
 12 Hackett, Kevin           M11 Unattached             29:58.5
 13 Murray, Colin             M7 Unattached             31:12.1
 14 Downs, Collin            M10 Unattached             37:42.8
 15 Beall, Scott              M9 Unattached             46:52.9

Women 13-15 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Rinehart, Heidi          W13 Unattached             23:38.1
  2 McIltrot, Cassandra      W13 Unattached             24:37.7
  3 Nastos, Annie            W13 Arrows                 25:30.1
  4 McIltrot, Brooke         W13 Unattached             28:18.8
  5 Rogers, Lauren           W15 Unattached             31:31.4
  6 Musgrove, Sarah          W14 Unattached             32:00.7
  7 Noll, Sarah              W14 Unattached             33:21.3
  8 Debinski, Delaney        W14 Unattached             33:21.5
  9 Beall, Caroline          W13 Unattached             37:07.0

Men 13-15 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Lang, Nathan             M14 Unattached             21:24.8
  2 Zabik, Noah              M14 Unattached             22:01.2
  3 Shumpert, Caleb          M15 Unattached             22:45.5
  4 murrill, sam             M14 Unattached             24:42.7
  5 Perdue, Jack             M14 Unattached             26:31.5
  6 Rothstein, Sam           M14 Unattached             27:56.4
  7 Fleming, James           M13 Unattached             29:29.0
  8 Bryant, Kyle             M14 Unattached             29:55.5

Women 16-19 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Cimmerer, Lillie         W17 Unattached             22:50.8
  2 Cole, Courtney           W17 Unattached             25:39.0
  3 Rockafeller, Cynthia     W18 Unattached             26:38.6
  4 Rockefeller, Rachael     W17 Unattached             26:55.9
  5 Rothstein, Emily         W17 Unattached             29:45.6
  6 Everton, Erin            W16 Unattached             53:54.8

Men 16-19 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Tiburzzi, Frank III      M16 Unattached             19:37.2
  2 Rinehart, Greg           M19 Unattached             23:23.7
  3 Graham, Collin           M16 Unattached             23:55.7
  4 Cole, Connor             M18 Unattached             30:09.2
  5 Sperling, Alex           M16 Unattached             32:46.9

Women 20-29 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Mead, Katie              W23 Unattached             22:24.3
  2 Hinton/Cimabue, Alyssa   W27 Unattached             25:17.1
  3 Parker, Holly            W29 Unattached             26:29.4
  4 Graver, Tina             W26 Unattached             34:27.5
  5 Fields, Aimee            W29 Unattached             40:20.2
  6 Willet, Whitney          W29 Unattached             40:35.7

Men 20-29 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Knestout, Michael        M23 Unattached             26:55.0
  2 Snyder, Christopher      M24 Unattached             27:27.1

Women 30-39 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Settle, Cheryl           W37 Unattached             25:29.3
  2 Bowman, Stephanie        W39 Unattached             28:20.0
  3 Neighoff, Margaret       W38 Unattached             29:09.5
  4 Halter, Mandy            W35 Unattached             30:07.2
  5 Albrecht, Michelle       W36 Unattached             31:15.5
  6 Crisafulli-McAleer, Kary W36 Unattached             32:17.1
  7 Rogers, Jennie           W39 Unattached             33:35.5
  8 Bubenko, Jennifer        W33 Unattached             40:20.6
  9 Moser, Becky             W31 Unattached             40:33.3
 10 Jones, Danielle          W36 Unattached             40:47.0
 11 Cohen, Amy               W39 Unattached             41:14.0
 12 Hahn, Jennifer           W35 Unattached             46:04.6
 13 Carfine, Jeanne          W38 Unattached             46:05.1

Men 30-39 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Metzger, Justin          M32 Unattached             22:45.2
  2 Arnold, Daryl            M34 Unattached             22:47.8
  3 Krout, Derrick           M33 Unattached             23:50.1
  4 Francella, John          M31 Unattached             25:26.5
  5 Parker, Zachary          M31 Unattached             26:28.9
  6 Cluts, Bryan             M34 Unattached             28:20.5
  7 McAleer, Andrew          M36 Unattached             29:40.5
  8 Loehenberg, Kenneth      M32 Unattached             29:50.6
  9 Harrell, Ben             M33 Unattached             34:42.0
 10 Bruton, Randy            M31 Unattached             36:54.7
 11 Jones, William           M37 Unattached             41:17.6

Women 40-49 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Rinehart, Karen          W46 Unattached             23:23.4
  2 Rothstein, Audrey        W47 Unattached             25:36.1
  3 Romeo, Loel              W49 Unattached             26:10.8
  4 Hillis, Krista           W42 Unattached             26:27.9
  5 Sien, Eileen             W40 Unattached             28:27.6
  6 Everton, Andrea          W45 Unattached             29:49.9
  7 Herget, Michelle         W42 Unattached             30:05.0
  8 Grosh, Mindy             W44 Unattached             30:06.5
  9 Tolley, Mary             W48 Unattached             32:04.7
 10 Murray, Aimee            W40 Unattached             32:23.5
 11 Mathews, Deb             W45 Unattached             33:22.6
 12 Kurtenbach, Janice       W47 Unattached             33:32.8
 13 Guillen, Donna           W49 Unattached             34:13.2
 14 Parrish, Deana           W46 Unattached             35:29.7
 15 Musgrove, Jennifer       W46 Unattached             38:16.1
 16 Thomas, Michele          W46 Unattached             38:45.2
 17 Linde, Angie             W49 Unattached             39:21.7
 18 Leimkuhler, Sherri       W42 Unattached             40:04.8
 19 Wolfsheimer, Laura       W44 Unattached             41:05.2
 20 Beall, Amy               W42 Unattached             46:53.2

Men 40-49 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Albrecht, Michael        M42 Unattached             23:15.0
  2 Hillis, Jack             M44 Unattached             23:33.8
  3 Sien, Richard            M43 Unattached             23:57.1
  4 Mower, Clifton           M45 Unattached             24:58.4
  5 Rothstein, Ed            M49 Unattached             25:04.0
  6 Marriott, Dave           M47 Unattached             25:38.3
  7 Sheperd, Thomas          M46 Unattached             27:13.7
  8 Cole, Bill               M47 Unattached             27:52.4
  9 McIltrot, Douglas        M44 Unattached             27:55.1
 10 Parrish, Keith           M46 Unattached             28:28.5
 11 Fleming, Douglas         M43 Unattached             29:54.0
 12 Leimkuhler, Matt         M41 Unattached             32:08.8
 13 Mathews, Paul            M45 Unattached             33:11.3
 14 Sperling, Charles        M47 Unattached             33:18.8
 15 Wolfsheimer, John        M48 Unattached             37:27.4
 16 Austin, Marc             M49 Unattached             40:58.3
 17 Cohen, Marc              M41 Unattached             41:14.4
 18 Willson, David           M47 Unattached             42:47.8

Women 50-59 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Tiburzzi, Debbie         W52 Unattached             24:24.6
  2 Kolb, Renee              W52 Unattached             29:39.0
  3 Dearie, Ridia            W56 Unattached             29:49.3
  4 Schamber, Susan          W52 Unattached             34:38.2

Men 50-59 Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Lovelace, Christopher    M53 Unattached             26:51.6
  2 Tiburzzi, Frank II       M54 Unattached             26:56.5
  3 Linde, John              M51 Unattached             27:21.3
  4 Guillen, Gilbert         M53 Unattached             28:16.3
  5 Turgeon, Andrew          M51 Unattached             28:33.3
  6 Katzen, Ronald           M55 Unattached             28:38.7
  7 Kolb, Thomas             M56 Unattached             30:05.4
  8 Everton, Mitch           M55 Unattached             55:33.3

Women 60+ Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 McPhillips, Diane        W73 Unattached             56:50.4

Men 60+ Results 
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Bullock, Jim             M71 Unattached             23:56.8
  2 Haser, Ed                M62 Unattached             28:34.7
  3 Dearie, Stewart          M61 Unattached             31:59.5
  4 Sommerville, Bob         M65 Unattached             35:44.2
  5 Foster, Ernest           M69 Unattached             38:45.5
Women 1 Mile Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Hackett, Anna             W9 Unattached              7:03.0
  2 Shook, Trina              W8 Arrows                  8:13.0
  3 McIltrot, Alyssa         W13 Unattached              8:28.0
  4 McIltrot, Danielle       W11 Unattached              8:32.0
  5 Hipp, Lillan              W9 Arrows                  8:59.0
  6 Settle, Ashley            W8 Unattached              9:17.0
  7 Cohen, Jenna              W8 Unattached              9:21.0
  8 Sariboyajian, Trinity     W8 Arrows                  9:32.0
  9 Perkins, Emma             W8 Unattached              9:38.0
 10 McIltrot, Kimberly       W46 Unattached             10:06.0
 11 Neighoff, Lili            W7 Unattached             10:59.0
Men 1 Mile Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Shook, Trevor            M10 Unattached              7:15.0
  2 Fitzgerald, Carson       M10 Arrows                  7:43.0
  3 Graham, Austin           M10 Unattached              7:45.0
  4 Walters, Zach             M8 Arrows                  8:28.0
  5 Arnold, Ethan             M4 Unattached              9:34.0
  6 Grosh, Henry             M12 Unattached              9:53.0
  7 Rosencrance, Jackson      M4 Unattached             11:33.0
  8 Rosencrance, Bob         M38 Unattached             11:33.0
  9 Settle, Nicholas          M5 Unattached             11:52.0

"To give anything less then your best is to sacrifice the gift." ~Steve Prefontaine