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2006 Labor Day Rogue Race

    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Pool, Diana              W25 Unattached            18:20.00
  2 Maldeis, Pam             W24 Unattached            18:34.00
  3 Lewis, Catherine         W22 Unattached            21:27.00
  4 Pickett, Liz             W17 Unattached            21:40.00
  5 Fenton, Patricia         W36 Unattached            21:45.00
  6 Ball, Laura              W16 Unattached            22:32.00
  7 Sullivan, Jamie          W42 Unattached            22:48.00
  8 Surette, Erin            W24 Unattached            22:49.00
  9 Surette, Robyn           W20 Unattached            22:50.00
 10 Smith, Shannon           W14 Unattached            24:10.00
 11 Demaree, Marsia          W41 Unattached            24:18.00
 12 Restivo, Michelle        W29 Unattached            24:24.00
 13 Boyle, Allison           W11 Unattached            24:31.00
 14 Majkrzak, Tina           W26 Unattached            24:32.00
 15 Pickett, Isabelle         W8 Unattached            24:55.00
 16 Tiburzi, Deborah         W44 Unattached            24:57.00
 17 Katie, Griffith          W19 Unattached            25:20.00
 18 Griffith, Rachel         W19 Unattached            25:21.00
 19 Graybill, Rebecca        W24 Unattached            25:49.00
 20 Engler, Patricia         W43 Unattached            25:56.00
 21 Ball, Anne               W43 Unattached            26:14.00
 22 Bradley, Allison         W14 Unattached            26:21.00
 23 Murphy, Chrissy          W24 Unattached            26:28.00
 24 Carpenter, Dorothy       W38 Unattached            26:29.00
 25 Stahl, Kelly             W42 Unattached            26:34.00
 26 Alonge, Kim              W17 Unattached            26:41.00
 27 Henretty, Shannon        W15 Unattached            26:48.00
 28 Williamson, Carole       W45 Unattached            27:12.00
 29 Roman, Marisa            W15 Unattached            27:29.00
 30 Layug, Doreen            W34 Unattached            27:46.00
 31 Willistan, Sarah         W15 Unattached            27:54.00
 32 Koman, Laura             W16 Unattached            27:58.00
 33 Bender, Catherine        W16 Unattached            27:59.00
 34 Thiem, Rebecca           W14 Unattached            28:09.00
 35 Calambro, Devin          W15 Unattached            28:10.00
 36 Spivey, Robin            W14 Unattached            28:11.00
 37 Nolan, Kasey             W11 Unattached            28:13.00
 38 Lagasse, Ellen           W46 Unattached            28:26.00
 39 Herholtz, Kate           W15 Unattached            28:39.00
 40 Klasmeier, Marianne      W40 Unattached            28:43.00
 41 Altobelli, Marissa       W15 Unattached            29:00.00
 42 Hensley, Jenny           W14 Unattached            29:16.50
 43 Hocheder, Ellen          W63 Unattached            29:33.00
 44 Isales, Cecilia          W42 Unattached            29:49.00
 45 Murdock, Melissa         W39 Unattached            30:13.00
 46 Bondroff, Jessica        W33 Unattached            30:14.00
 47 Deming, Diane            W36 Unattached            30:17.00
 48 Timberlake, Molly        W16 Unattached            30:21.00
 49 Black, Samantha          W16 Unattached            30:21.50
 50 Ridder, Lauren           W16 Unattached            30:22.00
 51 Davieau, Rebecca         W51 Unattached            30:34.00
 52 Sussman, Amy             W20 Unattached            30:39.00
 53 Hinman, Marie            W49 Unattached            30:45.00
 54 Kordonski, Alison        W17 Unattached            30:55.00
 55 Green, Megan             W17 Unattached            30:55.50
 56 Spivey, Erika            W17 Unattached            31:27.00
 57 McNelis, Heather         W15 Unattached            31:37.00
 58 Painter, Gina            W38 Unattached            31:42.00
 59 Boyle, Heather           W37 Unattached            32:16.00
 60 Murphy, Mary             W51 Unattached            32:26.00
 61 Lawyer, Susan            W35 Unattached            32:59.00
 62 Omahony, Janet           W39 Unattached            32:59.50
 63 Bailey, Stephanie        W27 Unattached            34:42.00
 64 Green, Sayannah          W14 Unattached            36:09.00
 65 Yost, Kelly              W15 Unattached            36:09.50
 66 Owings, Shannon          W14 Unattached            36:10.00
 67 Plescia, Julie           W39 Unattached            37:42.00
 68 Stacey, Alisa            W26 Unattached            39:18.00
 69 Wedemeyer, Erin          W16 Unattached            40:46.00
 70 Brown, Joanna            W15 Unattached            40:47.00
 71 Hirsch, Osa              W33 Unattached            40:53.00
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Bazell, Graham           M15 Unattached            16:08.00
  2 Colaiacovo, Mike         M37 Unattached            16:43.00
  3 Liberatore, Eric         M17 Unattached            17:12.00
  4 Doumaux, Matt            M24 Unattached            17:22.00
  5 Kretzer, Jr, Wayne       M38 Unattached            17:39.00
  6 Majkrzak, Steve          M27 Unattached            17:51.00
  7 Van Parys, Brian         M17 Unattached            17:55.00
  8 Hruch, Nick              M17 Unattached            18:42.00
  9 Van Gibson, Eric         M32 Unattached            18:43.00
 10 McCoy, Alex              M15 Unattached            18:49.00
 11 Melling, Chris           M22 Unattached            19:00.00
 12 Cox, Da ve               M33 Unattached            19:12.00
 13 Dougherty, Pat           M15 Unattached            19:18.00
 14 Meadows, Mike            M17 Unattached            19:38.00
 15 Kelsh, Pat               M16 Unattached            19:42.00
 16 Riemenschneider, Neal    M51 Unattached            19:47.00
 17 Paczynski, Bob           M45 Unattached            19:59.00
 18 Wood, Noah               M23 Unattached            20:02.00
 19 Lewin, Andy              M37 Unattached            20:04.00
 20 Souders, Tim             M15 Unattached            20:18.00
 21 Almonte, Dante           M15 Unattached            20:20.00
 22 Wagner, Michael          M37 Unattached            20:25.00
 23 Rodriguez, Dan           M15 Unattached            20:39.00
 24 Isales, Gregory          M13 Unattached            20:46.00
 25 Mandl, Seth              M32 Unattached            20:57.00
 26 Bohn, Karl               M15 Unattached            21:07.00
 27 Harkins, Billy           M17 Unattached            21:11.00
 28 Honeman, Gary            M51 Unattached            21:13.00
 29 Bullock, Jim             M63 Unattached            21:14.00
 30 Rodriguez, Miguel        M45 Unattached            21:18.00
 31 Kelsh, Dan               M14 Unattached            21:29.00
 32 Little, Mathew           M14 Unattached            21:32.00
 33 Kuegler, Matt            M15 Unattached            21:41.00
 34 Linville, Raleigh        M12 Unattached            21:46.00
 35 Albright, Michael        M34 Unattached            22:04.00
 36 Schlachter, Sam          M16 Unattached            22:06.00
 37 Lewis, Jeremy            M12 Unattached            22:12.00
 38 Rubin, Zach              M17 Unattached            22:14.00
 39 Stahl, David             M53 Unattached            22:19.00
 40 Obrien, Don              M47 Unattached            22:21.00
 41 Schmitt, John            M49 Unattached            22:23.00
 42 Harrang, Jim             M46 Unattached            22:26.00
 43 Ward, Robert             M26 Unattached            22:28.00
 44 Zaleskiewicz, Erik       M41 Unattached            22:33.00
 45 Roesser, Saunders        M26 Unattached            22:41.00
 46 Gries, Arnie             M40 Unattached            22:50.20
 47 Bazell, Jason            M15 Unattached            22:51.00
 48 Croft, Jim               M45 Unattached            23:06.00
 49 Sadler, michael          M13 Unattached            23:20.00
 50 Kerzel, Matt             M15 Unattached            23:23.00
 51 Spivey, Jacob            M12 Unattached            23:26.00
 52 Spivey, Chuck            M47 Unattached            23:27.00
 53 Meann, Patrick           M55 Unattached            23:31.00
 54 Findeisen, Herbert       M40 Unattached            23:46.00
 55 Bitgood, Jim             M60 Unattached            23:53.00
 56 Lewis, Chris             M46 Unattached            23:54.00
 57 Marcucci, Jordan         M15 Unattached            23:55.00
 58 Keeley, Sean             M38 Unattached            23:58.00
 59 Lansinger, Justin        M13 Unattached            24:01.00
 60 Isales, Daniel           M42 Unattached            24:03.00
 61 Singer, Mikey             M9 Unattached            24:07.00
 62 Dugan, Kevin             M13 Unattached            24:11.00
 63 Rodriguez, Jim           M38 Unattached            24:12.00
 64 Britton, David           M43 Unattached            24:19.00
 65 Deisher, Scott           M14 Unattached            24:22.00
 66 Kaste, Daniel            M11 Unattached            24:34.00
 67 Joshua, Little           M28 Unattached            24:36.00
 68 Cobun, Andy              M15 Unattached            24:37.00
 69 Boyle, Damon             M37 Unattached            24:38.00
 70 Sussman, Jeff            M43 Unattached            24:49.00
 71 Sussman, Chad             M9 Unattached            25:17.00
 72 Earp, Mike               M51 Unattached            25:24.00
 73 Cortes, Daniel           M17 Unattached            25:34.00
 74 Graybill, Steven         M52 Unattached            25:58.00
 75 Harkins, Michael         M15 Unattached            26:04.00
 76 Bachman, Hank            M40 Unattached            26:06.00
 77 Pollack, Brett           M40 Unattached            26:15.00
 78 Brown, Jack              M36 Unattached            26:17.00
 79 Ridder, James            M49 Unattached            26:25.00
 80 Murphy, Steve            M28 Unattached            26:43.00
 81 Rodriguez, Zachary       M10 Unattached            26:44.00
 82 Overcashier, Jan         M51 Unattached            26:50.00
 83 Kalish, Hunter           M11 Unattached            26:59.00
 84 Kraus, Karl              M40 Unattached            27:02.00
 85 Carpenter, Ray           M51 Unattached            27:03.00
 86 Timberlake, Bill         M45 Unattached            27:09.00
 87 Dougherty, Sean          M13 Unattached            27:23.00
 88 Price, Brandon           M11 Unattached            27:24.00
 89 Stinson, grant           M13 Unattached            27:25.00
 90 Sussman, Brett           M11 Unattached            27:26.00
 91 Orndorff, Tyler          M14 Unattached            27:27.00
 92 King, Zach               M14 Unattached            27:27.10
 93 Dugan, Patrick           M41 Unattached            27:39.00
 94 Alexander, Chris         M24 Unattached            27:43.00
 95 Oliver, Carmen           M62 Unattached            27:44.00
 96 Barnhart, Patric         M11 Unattached            27:45.00
 97 Bachman, Christian       M11 Unattached            27:57.00
 98 Will, Brad               M32 Unattached            28:00.00
 99 Clancy, Kevin            M18 Unattached            28:12.00
100 McQuay, Keith            M50 Unattached            28:14.00
101 Hayes, Thomas            M38 Unattached            28:44.00
102 Cole, Bill               M40 Unattached            29:09.00
103 McNelis, Kevin           M48 Unattached            29:16.00
104 Sommerville, Bob         M58 Unattached            29:21.00
105 Amanson, Ted             M54 Unattached            29:43.00
106 Lawyer, Kevin            M38 Unattached            29:46.00
107 Hinman, Jeffrey          M50 Unattached            29:52.00
108 Croft, Colin             M16 Unattached            31:24.00
109 Hensley, Richard         M58 Unattached            31:35.00
110 Murphy, Tom              M54 Unattached            32:26.50
111 Croft, Zachary           M16 Unattached            32:39.00

"To give anything less then your best is to sacrifice the gift." ~Steve Prefontaine