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Mission Possible 5K

Mixed 5k Run RR 
    Name                     Age                         Finals  
  1 Pfarr, Michael           M23                       16:54.74        
  2 Pointer, Maurice         M54                       17:27.63        
  3 Meadows, Michael         M21                       17:34.23        
  4 Cornwell, Sam            M17                       18:11.98        
  5 Filomena, Jimmy          M16                       18:36.85        
  6 Smith, Taylor            M18                       18:44.43        
  7 Navarro, Luis            M33                       18:51.95        
  8 Gross, Allan             M46                       19:24.43        
  9 Sussman, Brett           M15                       19:41.85        
 10 Sussman, Chad            M13                       19:52.23        
 11 Burris, Sr, Eric         M49                       19:57.41        
 12 Dintino, Mark            M42                       20:02.66        
 13 Sawyer, Nick             M16                       20:05.49        
 14 Kraus, Caleb             M20                       20:31.57        
 15 Porter, Doug             M36                       20:37.25        
 16 Jungwirth, Robert        M56                       20:50.07        
 17 Russell, Richard         M18                       21:09.74        
 18 Wesloh, Daniel           M17                       21:26.40        
 19 Gehman, Robert           M33                       21:37.64        
 20 Hayes, Tim               M18                       21:41.44        
 21 Genuario, Alex           M15                       21:53.72        
 22 Gehman, Erin             W32                       22:01.80        
 23 Keenan, Wade             M24                       22:03.64        
 24 Burnett, Barry           M49                       22:08.07        
 25 Walker, Edgar            M14                       22:10.26        
 26 Obrien, Mike             M36                       22:15.23        
 27 Ball, Laura              W20                       22:19.45        
 28 Dudley, Jeff             M45                       22:49.21        
 29 Ball, Seth               M13                       23:08.82        
 30 Galen, Brady             M14                       23:23.00        
 31 Basagyla, Jonathan       M37                       23:28.30        
 32 Johnson, Teresa          W21                       23:31.56        
 33 Hayden, David            M33                       23:33.80        
 34 Yim, Peter               M32                       23:34.97        
 35 Seal, John               M12                       23:41.70        
 36 Jones, Davis             M12                       23:48.32        
 37 Bulatao, Eiann           M13                       23:50.83        
 38 Sadler, Jon              M51                       23:51.25        
 39 Topolski, Karen          W44                       24:04.32        
 40 Lieberman, William       M50                       24:10.37        
 41 Higgins, Johnny          M41                       24:17.05        
 42 Fallin, Preston          W15                       24:21.50        
 43 Zwack, Dale              M26                       24:23.09        
 44 Ball, Henry              M15                       24:33.93        
 45 Zabik, Noah              M10                       24:38.14        
 46 Zabik, Rob               M46                       24:38.61        
 47 Sussman, Jeff            M47                       24:41.60        
 48 Bsagyla, Jonathan        M13                       24:42.60        
 49 Will, Brad               M35                       24:49.27        
 50 Porter, Ellen            W28                       24:56.14        
 51 Slater, Aaron            M12                       24:58.81        
 52 Basagyla, Lonni          W38                       25:00.31        
 53 Seal, Lowell             M42                       25:04.91        
 54 Ruby, Carter             M10                       25:05.72        
 55 Ashley, Maximillian      M14                       25:09.33        
 56 White, Kymm              M18                       25:12.69        
 57 Topolski, Mark           M51                       25:18.30        
 58 Burdyck, William         M46                       25:18.92        
 59 Joy, Colleen             W12                       25:19.46        
 60 Zwack, Sarah             W26                       25:34.13        
 61 Coffin, David            M58                       25:53.77        
 62 Kelsh, Matt              M50                       25:55.65        
 63 Thompson, Craig          M41                       25:56.12        
 64 Roberson, James          M37                       25:58.53        
 65 Shea, Stacey             W46                       26:01.93        
 66 Daniel, Foster           M31                       26:09.27        
 67 Tam, Perry               M24                       26:36.84        
 68 Russell, James           M50                       26:40.74        
 69 Ball, Anne               W47                       26:46.92        
 70 Snyder, Sam              M25                       26:47.93        
 71 Hoffman, Michael         M29                       26:51.59        
 72 Smith, Jake              M14                       27:00.21        
 73 Smith, Nick              M18                       27:00.73        
 74 Blyden, Ed               M33                       27:10.55        
 75 Ball, Jeffrey            M13                       27:14.61        
 76 Ball, Btheany            W15                       27:20.64        
 77 Bogdan, Virginia         W30                       27:25.98        
 78 Mak, Michael             M30                       27:29.68        
 79 Cornwell, Jillian        W15                       27:35.48        
 80 Greenblatt, Cliff        M57                       27:43.46        
 81 Arbour, Christan         M12                       27:46.30        
 82 Shilts, Patrick          M22                       27:50.15        
 83 Jones, Timmy             M10                       27:54.59        
 84 Jones, Dylan               M                       27:59.53        
 85 Hard, Ethan              M16                       28:00.33        
 86 Espineli, Frederick      M40                       28:00.54        
 87 Ball, Steve              M46                       28:05.84        
 88 Kelsh, Pat               M20                       28:10.44        
 89 Burnett, Curtiss         M13                       28:14.26        
 90 Harris, Bill             M47                       28:21.57        
 91 Cline, Debbie            W49                       28:32.74        
 92 Wallace, Monica          W10                       28:43.76        
 93 White, Kevin               M                       28:54.93        
 94 Ball, Kathy              W47                       28:56.47        
 95 Hasenei, Lynne           W46                       28:59.04        
 96 Ruby, Sandra             W32                       29:06.13        
 97 Ruby, Mark               M33                       29:10.43        
 98 Ball, Carolyn            W11                       29:10.84        
 99 Haines, Trace            M49                       29:15.93        
100 Baccala, Vincent         M21                       29:18.76        
101 Silcott, Braden          M13                       29:37.00        
102 Haines, Cathy            W53                       29:40.30        
103 Auerbach, Claire         W24                       29:47.28        
104 Rengasamy, Jesse         M50                       29:54.15        
105 Hohenwarter, Kristen     W32                       29:56.39        
106 Arbour, Victoria         W13                       30:00.48        
107 Arbour, Karen            W37                       30:00.96        
108 Hartranft, Wells         M35                       30:02.29        
109 McMahon, Sue             W53                       30:11.63        
110 Palenik, Lisa            W48                       30:16.70        
111 Brown, Donte             M26                       30:47.40        
112 Hayes, Alison            W48                       30:56.00        
113 Smink, Glenn             M60                       30:58.12        
114 Gehman ,, Robert         M61                       31:19.08        
115 Bowman, Arnold           M39                       31:19.37        
116 Manning, Kevin           M41                       31:23.50        
117 Rees, Luke               M16                       31:25.93        
118 Manning, Xiomy           M26                       31:27.23        
119 Garrison, Phillip        M31                       31:27.54        
120 White, Kim               W50                       31:49.22        
121 Surine, Sue              W39                       31:52.52        
122 Harris, Jonathan         M14                       31:54.75        
123 McLaurin, Sarah          W49                       32:05.19        
124 Jones, Heidi               W                       32:06.55        
125 Jones, Reid               M8                       32:07.24        
126 Redmond, Will            M22                       32:07.60        
127 Mallory, Donel           M28                       32:08.12        
128 Breeze, Foster           W32                       32:17.28        
129 Bulatao, Ericson         M39                       32:23.43        
130 Roberson, Tammy          W35                       32:38.91        
131 Surine, Katherine        W14                       32:52.49        
132 Henderson, Charles       M45                       33:03.22        
133 Cosner, Clint            M45                       33:47.92        
134 Cosner, Helen            W47                       33:48.28        
135 Hilbert, Kristine        W11                       33:49.06        
136 Mathias, Courtney        W31                       33:49.68        
137 Mathias, Chad            M32                       33:50.01        
138 Harris, David            M14                       33:57.70        
139 Repp, Andrew             M15                       33:58.64        
140 Bulatao, Lovelyn         W38                       34:08.36        
141 Hammond, Rachel          W14                       34:36.43        
142 Hayes, Grace             W15                       34:36.63        
143 Bowers, Timothy          M24                       34:48.52        
144 Kinsley, Matthew         M22                       34:49.12        
145 Hilbert, Jay             M47                       34:55.61        
146 Holechek, Brooke         W12                       35:16.61        
147 Holechek, Patrick        M48                       35:17.11        
148 Hirsch, Tom              M45                       36:04.66        
149 Miller, Wendy            W40                       36:19.31        
150 Harris, Thomas           M12                       36:23.52        
151 Conrad, Ellie            W14                       36:23.86        
152 Genuario, Barb           W46                       36:57.04        
153 Galen, Laurie            W47                       36:57.40        
154 Wallace, Grace            W8                       36:57.84        
155 Wallace, Chrsitine       W35                       36:58.35        
156 Beachley, Jim            M48                       38:43.45        
157 Galen, Emily             W13                       39:23.52        
158 O'Steen, Wendy           W61                       39:46.38        
159 Caradang, Apollo         M40                       40:06.05        
160 Lester, Christine        W48                       40:07.29        
161 Cavanuagh, Abby          W11                       40:26.07        
162 Cavanaugh, Bruce         M44                       40:47.00        
163 Beachley, Addie          W17                       40:56.00        
164 Beachley, Andrea         W15                       40:58.00        
165 McLaurin, Grace          W16                       41:09.00        
166 Thornton, Andre          M34                       41:09.90        
167 Silcott, Peter           M12                       41:09.91        
168 Silcott, Julie           W43                       41:10.00        
169 Welling, Allison         W16                       41:25.00        
170 Depinto, Michael         M63                       41:29.00        
171 Hilbert, Donna           W45                       42:11.00        
172 Hartranft, Jennifer      W34                       42:30.00        
173 Russell, Jane            W46                       43:39.00        
174 Hills, Adrianne          W49                       43:50.00        
175 Welling, Maryann         W44                       43:52.00        
176 Smith, Karen             W48                       45:25.00        
177 Arrington, Scott          M8                       47:42.00        
178 McLaurin, Turner          M8                       47:44.00        
179 Ramos, Jackie            W11                       49:29.00        
180 Ramos, Sean               M9                       49:30.00        
181 Ramos, Jean              W44                       49:35.00        
182 Arrington, John          M11                       49:38.00        
183 Arrington, Joseph         M8                       49:53.00        
184 Arrington, Suzette       W41                       53:45.00 
Mixed 1 Mile Run RR 
    Name                                                 Finals  
  1 Dearden, Brian                                         8:32
  2 Jeter, Jasmin                                          8:50
  3 Carandang, Daniel                                      9:05
  4 Ruby, Anna                                             9:07
  5 Ball, Thomas                                           9:18
  6 Mendez, Daniella                                       9:23
  7 Haines, Evelyn                                         9:30
  8 Schultz, Kelly                                        10:34
  9 Schultz, Elena                                        10:38
 10 Mendez, Aileen                                        10:42
 11 Haines, Rachel                                        10:43
 12 Wallace, Emma                                         11:11
 13 Wesloh, Bettina                                       11:25
 14 Fisher, Gabrielle                                     11:59
 15 Ruby, Max                                             12:24

"To give anything less then your best is to sacrifice the gift." ~Steve Prefontaine