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2008 Labor Day Rogue Race

Women 12 & Under
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Pickett, Isabelle        W10 Unattached            24:23.00
  2 Austin, Megan            W12 Unattached            26:53.00
  3 Calaman, Allie           W11 Unattached            32:05.00
  4 Joy, Colleen             W10 Unattached            34:04.00
  5 Roman, Elena             W12 Unattached            34:27.00
  6 Seittel, Fallon           W8 Unattached            50:35.00
Men 12 & Under
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Sussman, Chad            M11 Unattached            21:48.00
  2 Dugan, Mike              M12 Unattached            24:34.00
  3 Selby, Jack               M8 Unattached            29:30.00
  4 Calaman, Ben              M9 Unattached            31:05.00
Women 13-15
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Sullivan, Casey          W14 Unattached            22:07.00    Overall Womens 2nd
  2 Green, Britney           W15 Unattached            25:51.00	
  3 Kerzel, Emily            W14 Unattached            27:26.00
  4 smink, cassie            W15 Unattached            28:05.00
  5 vogelsang, grace         W15 Unattached            28:12.00
  6 Denkert, Sarah           W15 Unattached            30:02.00
  7 Atkinson, Betsy          W14 Unattached            37:42.00
Men 13-15
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Filomena, Jimmy          M15 Unattached            20:51.00
  2 Wesloh, Daniel           M15 Unattached            21:18.00
  3 Dugan, Kevin             M15 Unattached            21:25.00
  4 Boyer, Zach              M15 Unattached            21:31.00
  5 Spivey, Jake             M14 Unattached            22:07.50
  6 Brenner, Tim             M14 Unattached            23:53.00
  7 Smith, Ben               M15 Unattached            24:25.00
  8 Burns, Kreran            M14 Unattached            25:07.00
  9 Bennings, Nick           M14 Unattached            25:25.00
 10 Fuller, Preston          M14 Unattached            25:29.00
 11 Riebau, Nick             M15 Unattached            26:44.00
 12 Selby, Kevin             M15 Unattached            30:11.00
Women 16-19
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Lambert, Michele         W16 Unattached            22:41.00
  2 Henretty, Shannon        W17 Unattached            23:22.00
  3 carlson, abby            W17 Unattached            25:34.00
  4 Almonte, Allison         W16 Unattached            26:46.50
  5 Calambro, Devin          W17 Unattached            26:55.00
  6 Thiem, Rebecca           W16 Unattached            28:09.00
  7 Cohn, Madeline           W16 Unattached            28:11.00
  8 Delgorino, Allison       W16 Unattached            28:30.00
  9 renken, hannah           W17 Unattached            34:29.00
 10 Swiston, Alaina          W17 Unattached            34:30.00
 11 Pickett, Hannah          W16 Unattached            37:21.50
 12 Williams, Allison        W17 Unattached            38:32.00
 13 Mccormick, Katie         W16 Unattached            38:38.00
 14 Lutz, Caitlin            W16 Unattached            38:51.00
 15 Kobett, Hannah           W17 Unattached            39:17.00
 16 Sasser, Lauren           W18 Unattached            50:24.00
Men 16-19
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Souders, Tim             M17 Unattached            18:14.50	Overall Mens 1st
  2 Smith, Taylor            M17 Unattached            18:14.90	Overall Mens 2nd
  3 Little, Matt             M16 Unattached            18:20.00	Overall Mens 3rd
  4 Fasick, Ken              M16 Unattached            20:36.00
  5 Engler, Alex             M16 Unattached            21:59.00
  6 Atkinson, Dough          M16 Unattached            23:13.00
  7 Rodriguez, Daniel        M17 Unattached            23:28.00
  8 Fugate, Collin           M17 Unattached            24:48.00
  9 Bohn, Karl               M17 Unattached            26:38.00
 10 sopko, bryan             M16 Unattached            27:43.00
 11 merrill, danny           M17 Unattached            28:02.00
 12 Earp, Nick               M19 Unattached            50:34.00
Women 20-29
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Stick, Sherry            W20 Unattached            18:34.00	  Overall Womens 1st
  2 williams, cheryl         W24 Unattached            22:58.00
  3 Spencer, Lauren          W26 Unattached            24:15.00
  4 Griffith, Katie          W21 Unattached            24:27.00
  5 Griffith, Rachel         W21 Unattached            24:28.00
  6 Rodriguez, Kaitlin       W20 Unattached            25:16.00
  7 Silva, Diane             W23 Unattached            27:52.00
  8 Combs, Jessica           W22 Unattached            30:00.00
  9 Dallhoff, Carrie         W29 Unattached            32:01.00
 10 Danko, Susan             W25 Unattached            35:45.00
 11 Spangier, Brianna        W21 Unattached            37:53.00
Men 20-29
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Wood, Noah               M25 Unattached            18:28.00
  2 rousey, justin           M21 Unattached            20:06.00
  3 Dallhoff, James          M27 Unattached            22:52.00
Women 30-39
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 ziolkowski, jennifer     W37 Unattached            22:13.00	Overall Womens 3rd
  2 Hopwood, Erin            W34 Unattached            25:41.00
  3 Bouma, Susan             W39 Unattached            25:48.00
  4 huher, joann             W38 Unattached            26:46.00
  5 Little, Michele          W37 Unattached            27:32.00
  6 ward, allison            W32 Unattached            28:27.00
  7 Stewart, Laura           W39 Unattached            30:33.00
  8 Heimer, Jennifer         W33 Unattached            32:16.00
  9 Liss, Maria              W36 Unattached            34:37.00
 10 Cronse, Casey            W38 Unattached            35:46.00
 11 Burghart Rice, Heike     W30 Unattached            36:32.00
 12 Yang, Jenni              W30 Unattached            37:21.00
Men 30-39
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Matthiesen, Todd         M38 Unattached            18:26.00
  2 koening, scott           M38 Unattached            20:41.00
  3 Will, Brad               M34 Unattached            25:56.00
  4 Roberts, Edward          M37 Unattached            26:33.00
  5 lucas, matthew           M33 Unattached            27:02.00
  6 Fondiller, Lee           M38 Unattached            27:30.00
  7 Fosyth, Matt             M39 Unattached            27:48.00
  8 Boileau, Brian           M38 Unattached            27:54.00
  9 Kahler, Daniel           M37 Unattached            28:10.00
 10 Dicken, Mike             M38 Unattached            28:48.00
 11 Liss, Gregory            M35 Unattached            35:09.00
Women 40-49
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Cown, Pippa              W49 Unattached            23:17.00
  2 morris, linda            W48 Unattached            25:23.00
  3 smink, jean              W48 Unattached            25:44.00
  4 Funk, Amy                W43 Unattached            25:49.00
  5 Engler, Patty            W45 Unattached            26:24.00
  6 Remy, Carol              W47 Unattached            28:14.00
  7 Bolding, Marion          W40 Unattached            28:43.00
  8 mccarron, debra          W42 Unattached            29:31.00
  9 Kos, Kelli               W45 Unattached            29:53.00
 10 Selby, Michelle          W47 Unattached            30:42.00
 11 Wimkeljohn, Mary Beth    W47 Unattached            30:43.00
 12 Atkinson, Kelley         W44 Unattached            30:56.00
 13 Omahony, Janet           W41 Unattached            32:10.00
 14 Lotz, Elizabeth          W40 Unattached            33:09.00
 15 Andrews, Diana           W44 Unattached            33:31.00
 16 Butler, Linda            W47 Unattached            34:01.00
 17 Janeczek, Susan          W45 Unattached            35:10.00
 18 fulton, theresa          W41 Unattached            35:17.00
 19 Calaman, Beth            W43 Unattached            35:35.00
 20 jubar, helen             W48 Unattached            38:39.00
 21 Bouley, Tonya            W40 Unattached            39:18.00
 22 Seittel, Karen           W49 Unattached            53:06.00
Men 40-49
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Burris, Eric             M48 Unattached            19:39.00
  2 Gross, Allan             M45 Unattached            19:54.00
  3 Way, John                M43 Unattached            20:07.00
  4 Rodriquez, Miguel        M47 Unattached            20:32.00
  5 Stricker, Brian          M48 Unattached            21:16.00
  6 Kerzel, Steve            M42 Unattached            21:41.00
  7 wilson, david            M46 Unattached            22:14.00
  8 Burchell, Rich           M42 Unattached            22:32.00
  9 mower, clifton           M40 Unattached            22:57.00
 10 Respass, Phil            M46 Unattached            23:05.00
 11 Spivey, Chuck            M49 Unattached            23:29.00
 12 Rauch, Robert            M46 Unattached            23:34.00
 13 Livingston, Scott        M43 Unattached            23:36.00
 14 Dudley, Jeff             M43 Unattached            23:46.00
 15 Hogwood, Raymond         M47 Unattached            23:54.00
 16 Barrsotti, Paal          M45 Unattached            24:09.00
 17 Paczynski, Bob           M47 Unattached            24:30.00
 18 Lotz, Chris              M41 Unattached            24:35.00
 19 Pollack, Bret            M42 Unattached            25:08.00
 20 Dicken, Jeff             M41 Unattached            25:39.00
 21 Dugan, Patrick           M43 Unattached            26:11.00
 22 Mcguigan, David          M48 Unattached            26:34.00
 23 Henretty, Jim            M48 Unattached            26:45.00
 24 Hazelton, John           M42 Unattached            26:47.00
 25 Hansen, Eric             M40 Unattached            27:46.00
 26 Padden, Patrick          M44 Unattached            27:57.00
 27 Fuller, Wayne            M45 Unattached            28:12.50
 28 Joy, Robert              M44 Unattached            34:25.00
Women 50+
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
Results - Women 50+
  1 Nelson, Dee              W64 Unattached            24:54.00
  2 Fugate, Jan              W58 Unattached            27:49.00
  3 Dajieau, Rebecca         W53 Unattached            33:10.00
  4 Novak, Jennette          W64 Unattached            37:56.00
  5 Morris, Nell             W52 Unattached            41:21.00
  6 Earp, Lynn               W52 Unattached            44:55.50
Men 50+
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
  1 Schmidt, John            M51 Unattached            20:02.00
  2 rsenenschneider, neal    M53 Unattached            20:46.00
  3 Honeman, Gary            M53 Unattached            21:40.00
  4 Lambert, Chris           M50 Unattached            22:51.00
  5 Earp, Mike               M53 Unattached            24:08.00
  6 palks, joh               M59 Unattached            24:12.00
  7 Hutsell, Joseph          M62 Unattached            24:31.00
  8 Duvall, Matthew          M55 Unattached            24:39.00
  9 Klein, Jack              M62 Unattached            25:46.00
 10 Fugate, Dennis           M56 Unattached            25:52.00
 11 Overcasaier, Jan         M53 Unattached            26:51.00
 12 Chitwood, Walt           M60 Unattached            27:17.00
 13 Cshrvek, Joe             M53 Unattached            27:56.00
 14 Eckard, Mike             M50 Unattached            28:05.50
 15 sommerville, bob         M60 Unattached            28:08.00
 16 Keenum, Scott            M54 Unattached            28:46.00
 17 Swink, Glenn             M58 Unattached            30:03.00
 18 Ahmanson, Ted            M56 Unattached            30:30.00
 19 Bolding, Julius          M61 Unattached            44:55.00

"To give anything less then your best is to sacrifice the gift." ~Steve Prefontaine