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2007 Labor Day Rogue Race

    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Ziolkowski, Jennifer     W36 Unattached            21:45.00
  2 Cowan, Pippa             W48 Unattached            21:59.00
  3 Hidenfelter, Mindy       W35 Unattached            22:33.00
  4 Majkrzak, Tina           W27 Unattached            24:59.00
  5 Nelson, Dee              W63 Unattached            25:17.00
  6 Griffith, Rachel         W20 Unattached            25:17.50
  7 Griffith, Katie          W20 Unattached            25:19.00
  8 Roskowski, Nikki         W15 Unattached            25:19.50
  9 Ball, Anne               W44 Unattached            25:25.00
 10 Altobelli, Marissa       W16 Unattached            25:33.00
 11 MacNabb, Erin            W24 Unattached            25:34.00
 12 McNabb, Pat              W54 Unattached            25:37.00
 13 Graybill, Becky          W25 Unattached            25:39.00
 14 Maldeis, Becca           W14 Unattached            25:44.00
 15 Green, Brittany          W14 Unattached            25:46.00
 16 Vandervalk, Jeanne       W41 Unattached            25:52.00
 17 Willistan, Sarah         W16 Unattached            25:59.00
 18 Kosten, Nadine           W10 Unattached            26:00.00
 19 McCown, Susanne          W44 Unattached            26:13.00
 20 Kosten, Holly            W40 Unattached            26:34.00
 21 Black, Debra             W42 Unattached            26:36.00
 22 Black, Samantha          W17 Unattached            26:39.00
 23 Lambert, Michele         W15 Unattached            26:45.00
 24 Bradley, Allison         W15 Unattached            26:57.50
 25 Engler, Patty            W44 Unattached            27:20.00
 26 DelGiorno, Allison       W16 Unattached            27:25.50
 27 Greenlee, Laura          W34 Unattached            27:40.00
 28 Austin, Megan            W11 Unattached            28:12.00
 29 Pearson, Michele         W26 Unattached            28:13.00
 30 Calambro, Devin          W16 Unattached            28:15.00
 31 Thiem, Rebecca           W15 Unattached            28:16.00
 32 Sutherland, Erin         W17 Unattached            28:16.50
 33 McIntyre, Terri          W43 Unattached            28:24.00
 34 Laun, Pattie             W50 Unattached            28:38.00
 35 Berman, Gerri            W42 Unattached            29:15.00
 36 Kaste, Kathleen          W10 Unattached            29:25.00
 37 Whitten, Lexie           W14 Unattached            29:45.00
 38 Carpenter, Hope          W33 Unattached            29:51.00
 39 Duvall, Tina             W35 Unattached            29:53.00
 40 Smith, Lee               W48 Unattached            30:11.00
 41 Fronczek, Trisha         W28 Unattached            30:27.00
 42 Maloff, Mary             W52 Unattached            30:33.50
 43 Painter, Regina          W39 Unattached            30:34.00
 44 Omahony, Janet           W40 Unattached            30:38.00
 45 Walter, Sherry           W35 Unattached            30:40.00
 46 Feck, Kellie             W40 Unattached            30:41.00
 47 Haines, Cathy            W50 Unattached            30:46.00
 48 Schmale, Alesha          W37 Unattached            30:59.00
 49 Grauel, Morgan           W39 Unattached            31:10.00
 50 Winkeljohn, Marybeth     W46 Unattached            31:11.00
 51 Starpoli, Cathy          W43 Unattached            32:10.00
 52 Stefan, Nancy            W40 Unattached            32:14.00
 53 Lutz, Caitlin            W15 Unattached            32:47.00
 54 Kobett, Hannah           W16 Unattached            33:00.00
 55 Ridder, Lauren           W17 Unattached            33:14.00
 56 Hazelton, Chance         W15 Unattached            33:19.00
 57 Roman, Marisa            W16 Unattached            34:24.00
 58 Durbin, Pamela           W39 Unattached            34:25.00
 59 Mower, Patricia          W37 Unattached            34:30.00
 60 Pearson, Rebecca         W51 Unattached            34:31.00
 61 Maldeis, Sarah           W14 Unattached            39:56.00
 62 Harvey, Sophia            W7 Unattached            39:56.50
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  
  1 Majkrzak, Steve          M28 Unattached            17:25.00
  2 Doumaux, Matt            M26 Unattached            17:30.00
  3 Arbaugh, Darrin          M22 Unattached            17:49.00
  4 Liberatore, Eric         M17 Unattached            18:30.00
  5 Souders, Tim             M16 Unattached            19:29.00
  6 Almonte, Dante           M16 Unattached            19:29.50
  7 Wood, Noah               M24 Unattached            19:35.00
  8 Burris, Eric             M47 Unattached            19:35.70
  9 Clowes, Tom              M40 Unattached            19:47.00
 10 Pobletts, Alan           M45 Unattached            19:55.00
 11 Haines, Danny            M17 Unattached            20:01.50
 12 Rodriguez, Dan           M16 Unattached            20:02.00
 13 Little, Matthew          M15 Unattached            20:25.00
 14 Williams, Rodney         M39 Unattached            20:35.00
 15 Riemenschneider, Neal    M52 Unattached            20:43.00
 16 Rodiguez, Miguel         M46 Unattached            20:50.00
 17 Schmitt, John            M50 Unattached            20:56.00
 18 Albrecht, Michael        M35 Unattached            21:08.00
 19 Kaste, David             M16 Unattached            21:25.00
 20 Lansinger, Justin        M14 Unattached            21:29.00
 21 Dugan, Kevin             M14 Unattached            21:30.00
 22 Bowersox, Michael        M15 Unattached            21:33.00
 23 Obrien, Don              M48 Unattached            21:37.00
 24 Whiteside, Mike          M37 Unattached            21:39.00
 25 Lansinger, John          M37 Unattached            21:41.00
 26 Harbeitner, David        M45 Unattached            21:52.00
 27 Austin, Danny            M13 Unattached            22:02.00
 28 Ward, Robert             M27 Unattached            22:02.50
 29 Riebau, Nick             M14 Unattached            22:12.00
 30 Maplesden, Hugh          M43 Unattached            22:15.00
 31 Berman, Matthew          M13 Unattached            22:16.00
 32 Boyer, Zach              M14 Unattached            22:31.00
 33 Filomena, Jimmy          M14 Unattached            22:32.00
 34 Hazelton, Quinn          M13 Unattached            22:36.00
 35 Mower, Clifton           M39 Unattached            22:38.00
 36 Singer, Mike             M10 Unattached            22:42.00
 37 Croft, Jim               M46 Unattached            22:43.00
 38 Sussman, Chad            M10 Unattached            22:53.00
 39 Honeman, Gary            M52 Unattached            22:53.50
 40 Kelsh, Patrick           M17 Unattached            22:59.00
 41 Spivey, Jacob            M13 Unattached            23:00.00
 42 Harrang, Jim             M47 Unattached            23:06.00
 43 Lambert, Chris           M49 Unattached            23:29.00
 44 Kaste, Daniel            M12 Unattached            23:37.00
 45 Spivey, Chuck            M48 Unattached            23:40.00
 46 Britton, David           M44 Unattached            23:45.00
 47 Pollard, Tyler           M12 Unattached            23:48.00
 48 Lewis, Chris             M47 Unattached            23:48.50
 49 Dougherty, Sean          M14 Unattached            23:49.00
 50 Motter, Scott            M37 Unattached            23:52.00
 51 Hill, Jon                M27 Unattached            24:05.00
 52 Moran, Shane             M14 Unattached            24:10.00
 53 Orndorff, Tyler          M15 Unattached            24:10.50
 54 Atkinson, Doug           M15 Unattached            24:10.80
 55 Dougherty, Patrick       M16 Unattached            24:21.00
 56 Mount, David             M37 Unattached            24:23.00
 57 Blank, Peter             M52 Unattached            24:24.00
 58 Price, Brandon           M12 Unattached            24:26.00
 59 Stefan, Mike             M20 Unattached            24:28.00
 60 Wesloh, Daniel           M14 Unattached            24:31.00
 61 Rosecrantz, Matthew      M15 Unattached            24:32.00
 62 Atkinson, Jeff           M43 Unattached            24:33.00
 63 Sussman, Jeff            M44 Unattached            24:34.00
 64 Graumann, Max            M13 Unattached            24:50.00
 65 Karth, Evan              M12 Unattached            25:04.00
 66 Velazquez, Jose          M39 Unattached            25:07.00
 67 Earp, Mike               M52 Unattached            25:21.00
 68 Dugan, Patrick           M42 Unattached            25:26.00
 69 Will, Brad               M33 Unattached            25:38.00
 70 Pollack, Bret            M41 Unattached            25:47.00
 71 Graybill, Steven         M53 Unattached            25:51.00
 72 Reilly, Todd             M40 Unattached            25:55.00
 73 Black, John              M40 Unattached            26:45.50
 74 Bachman, Hank            M41 Unattached            26:46.00
 75 King, Zachary            M15 Unattached            26:46.50
 76 Stankewicz, James        M14 Unattached            26:57.00
 77 Brown, Jack              M37 Unattached            27:25.00
 78 Barnhart, Patric         M12 Unattached            27:26.00
 79 Haines, Brian            M23 Unattached            27:36.00
 80 Oliver, Carmen           M63 Unattached            27:38.00
 81 Forsyth, Matt            M38 Unattached            27:50.00
 82 Painter, Keith           M40 Unattached            27:52.00
 83 Schneider, Patrick       M36 Unattached            27:55.00
 84 Baker, Chad              M36 Unattached            27:56.00
 85 Overchashier, Jan        M52 Unattached            27:57.00
 86 Respass, Phillippe       M45 Unattached            28:23.00
 87 Jones, Matthew           M10 Unattached            28:24.50
 88 Gravel, Philip           M36 Unattached            28:31.00
 89 Kalish, Hunter           M12 Unattached            28:58.00
 90 Evans, David             M17 Unattached            29:06.00
 91 Earp, Nick               M18 Unattached            29:12.00
 92 Stark, Dennis            M47 Unattached            29:14.00
 93 Austin, Marc             M43 Unattached            29:19.00
 94 Klein, Jack              M62 Unattached            29:22.00
 95 Dugan, Michael           M11 Unattached            29:24.00
 96 Bachman, Christian       M12 Unattached            29:26.00
 97 Fronczek, Jason          M29 Unattached            29:36.00
 98 Holt, Robert             M50 Unattached            29:47.00
 99 Duvall, Matthew          M34 Unattached            30:04.00
100 Boyer, John              M38 Unattached            30:33.00
101 Pearson, Jonathan        M27 Unattached            31:06.00
102 Racusen, Richard         M59 Unattached            31:30.00
103 Hackett, Daniel          M36 Unattached            31:42.00
104 Hazelton, John           M41 Unattached            31:54.00
105 Boyer, Jonah             M13 Unattached            33:20.00
106 Durbin, Kevin            M41 Unattached            34:26.00
107 Horvath, Dean            M49 Unattached            34:43.00
108 Harvey, Bill             M35 Unattached            39:57.00

"To give anything less then your best is to sacrifice the gift." ~Steve Prefontaine